Kevin Plank’s Cupid Foundation Funds Summer Jobs for South Baltimore Youth

Kevin Plank’s Cupid Foundation has donated funds to YouthWorks, Baltimore City’s summer jobs program which connects thousands of teens and young adults to meaningful summer work experiences throughout the City. This contribution will fund 40 summer positions specifically for students in the TransTech program at New Era Academy High School in Cherry Hill, providing students exposure to various careers in the maritime industry. Working with YouthWorks Baltimore, students will be assigned to various employers who have volunteered to train and employ the students over a five-week period.

“We are pleased that this gift from the Cupid Foundation has enabled our students to obtain valuable experiences that will help prepare them for the workforce and build their careers,” said New Era Academy Interim Principal Kia J. Harper. “We understand that students deserve our support and need productive engagement between June and September, so New Era and our partners continue to work hard to find opportunities for our students during the summer.”

Read more in the Baltimore Sun about the Cupid Foundation’s involvement with Youthworks here: To learn more about YouthWorks, visit

To learn more about the TransTech program at New Era Academy High School, visit

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