Over the course of two days, 24 students from Arundel Elementary Middle School visited the Bustin Boards headquarters at City Garage in Port Covington as part of an incentive program rewarding South Baltimore students for good behavior and consistent attendance at school.
The day began with a tour of the workshop, where the Bustin Boards team hand-assembles and customizes every skateboard sold. Josh Dunn, Project Leader of Bustin Boards’ “For All Who Push” program, led the students around the shop where they received firsthand instruction on creating and designing boards. The students also learned about the business of the operation and gained insight into working for a startup company.
After a few safety guidelines, it was time to take the boards for a spin. The students were both eager and nervous to test out their skills. One student said, “I’ve never been on a skateboard. I’m a little scared, but excited to try.”
Dunn said, “Interacting with the students was incredibly rewarding, and exciting as we got to watch them on their initial journey into skateboarding. Skating can be very intimidating, but as each of the students began to realize that they could do it, there was a visible sense of achievement. That’s what it’s all about!”
To learn more about Bustin’ Boards, visit: http://blog.bustinboards.com/